Below you will find links to download all available PDF instructions for both Resin and HDF models in our offer.
KRM205 Orc Wild Tribez Warchief on Cyboar
KRM207 Orc Corsair Warlord Deffkrooza
KRM235 Caste Enclaves Emergency Drone Team
KRM236 Caste Enclaves Barrage Battle Drone Team
KRM237 Wild Tribez Cyboar Rider 1
KRM238 Wild Tribez Cyboar Rider 2
KRM239 Wild Tribez Boss on Cyboar
KRM268 Heavy Artillery - Desert Raiders Field Laser Cannon
KRM269 Heavy Artillery - Desert Raiders Field Rocket Cannon
KRM270 Heavy Artillery - Desert Raiders Field Artillery Cannon
KRM271 Heavy Artillery - Trench Korps Field Laser Cannon
KRM272 Heavy Artillery - Trench Korps Field Rocket Cannon
KRM273 Heavy Artillery - Trench Korps Field Artillery Cannon
KRM275 Caste Enclaves War Drones - Firestorm
KRM276 Caste Enclaves War Drone Commander
KRM277 Caste Enclaves Barrage War Drone
KRM278 Caste Enclaves Caldera War Drone
KRM279 Caste Enclaves Maar War Drone
KRM290 Heavy Artillery - Solar Guard Field Laser Cannon
KRM291 Heavy Artillery - Solar Guard Field Rocket Cannon
KRM292 Heavy Artillery - Solar Guard Field Artillery Cannon
KRM295 Sindari Spirit Host Ancient Knight Dueller
KRM296 Sindari Spirit Host Ancient Knight with Cannons
KRM300 Heavy Artillery - Firstborn Regiment Field Laser Cannon
KRM301 Heavy Artillery - Firstborn Regiment Field Rocket Cannon
KRM302 Heavy Artillery - Firstborn Regiment Field Artillery Cannon
KRM318 Caste Enclaves War Drones - Sunstrike
KRM319 Caste Enclaves War Drones - Starcry
KRM320 Orc Greatcoat Bikers Boss
KRVB133 Orc Corsairs Battle Rig
KRVB134 Caste Enclaves Angelshark
KRVB135 Tartarus Artillery Walking Tank
KRVB136 Kraken Transport Walking Tank
KRVB137 Banshee Rocket Walking Tank
KRVB138 Gargoyle Flamer Walking Tank
KRVB139 Caste Enclaves Swordtail
KRVB140 Caste Enclaves Ghostshark
KRVB141 Caste Enclaves Warmantis
KRVB147 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Plasma Cannon
KRVB148 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Laser Cannon
KRVB149 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Autocannon
KRVB150 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Heavy Flamethrower
KRVB151 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Missile Launcher
KRVB152 Beholder Anti-Aircraft Walking Tank / Siren Anti-Infantry Walking Tank
KRVB154 Imperial Tank Antigrav Propulsion
KRVB155 Imperial Tank Four Tracks Propulsion
KRVB156 Victoris Battle Walking Tank
KRVB157 Atlas Assault Tank - Undivided Pattern Armour
KRVB158 Midgard Aircraft Carrier
KRVB159 Helheim Aircraft Carrier
KRVB160 Asgard Aircraft Carrier
KRVB162 Atlas Assault Tank - Unforgiven Watchers Pattern Armour
KRTS010 Skargruk Line – Straight wall
KRTS011 Skargruk Line - Straight wall with stairs
KRTS012 Skargruk Line – Wall 45 degrees
KRTS013 Skargruk Line – Wall 90 degrees
KRTS014 Skargruk Line – Wall Tower
KRTS015 Skargruk Line – 45 degrees Inner Wall
KRTS016 Skargruk Line – Strongpoint
KRTS017 Imperial Supply Crates
KRTS018 Imperial Supply Containers & Crates
KRTS019 Imperial Armoured Containers
KRTS020 Imperial Barricade Set
KRTS021 Imperial Barricade Set - Large Blockade
KRTS023 Industrial Platform - Small
KRTS024 Industrial Platform - Medium
KRTS025 Industrial Platform - Large
KRTS026 Promethium Chimney - Small
KRTS027 Promethium Chimney - Medium
KRTS028 Promethium Chimney - Large
KRTS029 Forge Transport Platform
KRTS032 Mechanicum Catwalks - Large Set
KRTS049 Industrial Pipe - Straight
KRTS050 Industrial Pipe - 45 degrees
KRTS051 Industrial Pipe - Crossing
KRTS052 Industrial Pipe - 90 degrees
KRTS056 Imperial Triumphal Arch
KRTS057 Imperial Propaganda Post
KRTS058 Hive City Arbitratorum
KRTS065 Hive City Street Lights
KRTS066 Hive City Iron Fence Gate
KRTS068 Hive City Vox Call Booths
KRTS069 Hive City Transit Stations
KRTS070 Hive City Transit Shelters
KRTS071 Hive City Ventilation Shaft
KRTS074 Hive City Rooftop Water Towers
KRTS075 Hive City Grand Fountain
KRTS077 Hive City Gothic Billboards
KRTS079 Hive City Benches & Trash Bins
KRTS080 Hive City Street Clock
KRTS081 Hive City Cages of Shame
KRTS082 Hive City Penance Station
KRTS084 Hive City Street Billboard
KRTS085 Hive City Street Dumpsters
KRTS086 Hive City Street Hologram
KRTS088 Poland 1939 Barn With Shelter
KRTS089 Poland 1939 Church with Bell Tower
KRTS092 Poland 1939 Wooden Cottage With Privy
KRTS093 Poland 1939 Wooden Fence - Gates, Gateway and Corner Fences
KRTS094 Poland 1939 Wooden Fence - Straight Sections
KRTS095 Poland 1939 Wooden Shed with Rabbit Cage and Pigeon House
KRTS107 Imperial Sabbat Bunker
KRTS108 Imperial Martyrs Bunker
KRTS109 Imperial Command Bunker
KRTS110 Imperial Valhalla Strongpoint
KRTS111 Imperial Armageddon Strongpoint
KRTS112 Imperatoris Tank Defense Position
KRTS114 Gladius Sentry Gun Nest
KRTS119 Imperial Defense Line: Gate
KRTS120 Imperial Defense Line: Straight Wall
KRTS121 Imperial Defense Line: 90° Wall
KRTS122 Imperial Defense Line: 90° Inner Wall
KRTS123 Imperial Defense Line: 45° Wall
KRTS124 Imperial Defense Line: 45° Inner Wall
KRTS131 Large Containers Stack
KRTS144 Orc Krushinator Deffstomper
KRTS145 Orc Boomkilla Deffstomper
KRTS146 Deffstomper Construction Yard
KRTS147 Orc Deffstomper Krushinator Body
KRTS148 Orc Boomkilla Deffstomper Body
KRTS149 Orc Deffstomper Tank Rippa
KRTS150 Orc Deffstomper Deffkannon
KRTS151 Orc Deffstomper Traktor-Kollida
KRTS152 Orc Deffstomper Krushin' Klaw
KRTS153 Orc Deffstomper Head with Eye-Poppa Gun
KRTS161 Nekropolis Mastaba – Corner
KRTS162 Nekropolis Mastaba – Center
KRTS163 Nekropolis Mastaba – Ramp
KRTS164 Nekropolis Mastaba – Wide Stairs
KRTS165 Nekropolis Mastaba – Stairs
KRTS166 Nekropolis Mastaba – Obelisk Corner
KRTS167 Nekropolis Mastaba – Side Wall
KRTS168 Nekropolis Mastaba – Apex
KRTS183 God-Busta Megastomper, Limited Edition Set
KRTS187 Raised Squares & Bridges
KRTS188 Eventide Manor Fireplaces
KRTS190 Bone Ship - Small Gateway
KRTS194 Bone Ship - Large Star Sails
KRTS195 Bone Ship - Small Star Sails
KRTS196 Bone Ship - Guardrail Barricades
KRTS197 Orkenburg Zone Walkways
KRTS201 Orkenburg Zone Theater of War
KRTS204 Fantasy Bowl Stadium
KRTS205 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune
KRTS206 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower
KRTS207 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune
KRTS208 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout
KRTS209 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower
KRTS210 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers
KRTS212 Imperial Fortress Wall - Straight
KRTS214 Mechanicum Refinery Plant
KRTS215 Mechanicum Promethium Silo
KRTS216 Imperial Fortress Wall - Tower - 30 degrees
KRTS217 Imperial Fortress Wall - Exhaust Pipes
KRTS218 Mechanicum House of Prayer
KRTS220 Imperial Fortress Wall - Terrace
KRTS221 Imperial Fortress Wall - Cannon
KRTS222 Imperial Fortress Wall - Observatory Tower
KRTS223 Imperial Fortress Wall - Cannon Tower
KRTS224 Imperial Fortress Gates
KRTS225 Imperial Fortress Wall - Window
KRTS226 Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence
KRTS227 Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence
KRTS228 Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs
KRTS229 Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower
KRTS230 Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post
KRTS231 Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post
KRTS234 Great Tower of Knowledge
KRTS235 Great Tower of Knowledge - Ground Floor
KRTS241 Imperial Fortress Wall Siege Set
KRTS242 Great Tower of Knowledge - Shattered Floor
KRTS243 Great Tower of Knowledge - Library Floor
KRMA074 Paint Rack (33 mm) - Straight
KRMA075 Paint Rack (33 mm) - Corner
KRMA076 Paint Rack (30.5 mm) - Straight
KRMA077 Paint Rack (30.5 mm) - Corner
KRMA078 Paint Rack (25.6 mm) - Straight
KRMA079 Paint Rack (25.6 mm) - Corner
KRMA080 Paint Rack (Universal) - Straight
KRMA081 Paint Rack (Universal) - Corner
KRMA178 Ending Corner Hobby Rack Set
KRMA179 Low Corner Hobby Rack Module
KRMA180 Standalone Brush Holder
KRMA181 Small Rotating Tool Holder
KRMA183 Standalone Drawers Rack
KROO120 High Hobby Rack Module
KROO121 Half High Hobby Rack Module
KROO122 Half Low Hobby Rack Module
KROO123 Showcase Hobby Rack Module
KROO124 High Corner Hobby Rack Module
KROO125 Ending Corner Paint Rack
KROO127 Medium Low Drawers Set
KROO130 Medium Moderate Drawer
KROO133 Medium Low Brushes Module
KROO134 Half Paint Rack (Universal)