Instructions & Guides

Below you will find links to download all available PDF instructions for both Resin and HDF models in our offer.


KRM157 Gnawzilla

KRM205 Orc Wild Tribez Warchief on Cyboar

KRM207 Orc Corsair Warlord Deffkrooza

KRM235 Caste Enclaves Emergency Drone Team

KRM236 Caste Enclaves Barrage Battle Drone Team

KRM237 Wild Tribez Cyboar Rider 1

KRM238 Wild Tribez Cyboar Rider 2

KRM239 Wild Tribez Boss on Cyboar

KRM265 Deffbike 1

KRM266 Deffbike 2

KRM267 Deffbike 3

KRM268 Heavy Artillery - Desert Raiders Field Laser Cannon

KRM269 Heavy Artillery - Desert Raiders Field Rocket Cannon

KRM270 Heavy Artillery - Desert Raiders Field Artillery Cannon

KRM271 Heavy Artillery - Trench Korps Field Laser Cannon

KRM272 Heavy Artillery - Trench Korps Field Rocket Cannon

KRM273 Heavy Artillery - Trench Korps Field Artillery Cannon

KRM275 Caste Enclaves War Drones - Firestorm

KRM276 Caste Enclaves War Drone Commander

KRM277 Caste Enclaves Barrage War Drone

KRM278 Caste Enclaves Caldera War Drone

KRM279 Caste Enclaves Maar War Drone

KRM290 Heavy Artillery - Solar Guard Field Laser Cannon

KRM291 Heavy Artillery - Solar Guard Field Rocket Cannon

KRM292 Heavy Artillery - Solar Guard Field Artillery Cannon

KRM295 Sindari Spirit Host Ancient Knight Dueller

KRM296 Sindari Spirit Host Ancient Knight with Cannons

KRM300 Heavy Artillery - Firstborn Regiment Field Laser Cannon

KRM301 Heavy Artillery - Firstborn Regiment Field Rocket Cannon

KRM302 Heavy Artillery - Firstborn Regiment Field Artillery Cannon

KRM312 Orc Greatcoat Biker 1

KRM313 Orc Greatcoat Biker 2

KRM314 Orc Greatcoat Biker 3

KRM318 Caste Enclaves War Drones - Sunstrike

KRM319 Caste Enclaves War Drones - Starcry

KRM320 Orc Greatcoat Bikers Boss

KRVB133 Orc Corsairs Battle Rig

KRVB134 Caste Enclaves Angelshark

KRVB135 Tartarus Artillery Walking Tank

KRVB136 Kraken Transport Walking Tank

KRVB137 Banshee Rocket Walking Tank

KRVB138 Gargoyle Flamer Walking Tank

KRVB139 Caste Enclaves Swordtail

KRVB140 Caste Enclaves Ghostshark

KRVB141 Caste Enclaves Warmantis

KRVB145 Lanternfish Bomber

KRVB146 Tideline Fighter

KRVB147 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Plasma Cannon

KRVB148 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Laser Cannon

KRVB149 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Autocannon

KRVB150 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Heavy Flamethrower

KRVB151 Imperial Guard Caracalla Walker with Missile Launcher

KRVB152 Beholder Anti-Aircraft Walking Tank / Siren Anti-Infantry Walking Tank

KRVB153 Imperial Tank Tracks

KRVB154 Imperial Tank Antigrav Propulsion

KRVB155 Imperial Tank Four Tracks Propulsion

KRVB156 Victoris Battle Walking Tank

KRVB157 Atlas Assault Tank - Undivided Pattern Armour

KRVB158 Midgard Aircraft Carrier

KRVB159 Helheim Aircraft Carrier

KRVB160 Asgard Aircraft Carrier

KRVB161 Orc Moon Krumpanaut

KRVB162 Atlas Assault Tank - Unforgiven Watchers Pattern Armour

KRVB183 Orc Tigerwagon II


KRTS001 Irontoof Bastion

KRTS002 Orc Waatchtower

KRTS003 Orc Wall Gate

KRTS004 Orc Stronghold Gate

KRTS005 Dakka Bunker

KRTS006 Orc Barrack

KRTS007 Orc Quarters

KRTS008 Orc Smack Bar

KRTS009 Orc Kustom Workshop

KRTS010 Skargruk Line – Straight wall

KRTS011 Skargruk Line - Straight wall with stairs

KRTS012 Skargruk Line – Wall 45 degrees

KRTS013 Skargruk Line – Wall 90 degrees

KRTS014 Skargruk Line – Wall Tower

KRTS015 Skargruk Line – 45 degrees Inner Wall

KRTS016 Skargruk Line – Strongpoint

KRTS017 Imperial Supply Crates

KRTS018 Imperial Supply Containers & Crates

KRTS019 Imperial Armoured Containers

KRTS020 Imperial Barricade Set

KRTS021 Imperial Barricade Set - Large Blockade

KRTS022 Forge Platform

KRTS023 Industrial Platform - Small

KRTS024 Industrial Platform - Medium

KRTS025 Industrial Platform - Large

KRTS026 Promethium Chimney - Small

KRTS027 Promethium Chimney - Medium

KRTS028 Promethium Chimney - Large

KRTS029 Forge Transport Platform

KRTS030 Mechanicum Catwalks

KRTS031 Mechanicum Staircase

KRTS032 Mechanicum Catwalks - Large Set

KRTS038 Mechanicum Elevator

KRTS039 Forge Bridge

KRTS040 Forge Balcony

KRTS049 Industrial Pipe - Straight

KRTS050 Industrial Pipe - 45 degrees

KRTS051 Industrial Pipe - Crossing

KRTS052 Industrial Pipe - 90 degrees

KRTS053 Hive City Chapel

KRTS054 Hive City Cathedral

KRTS055 Generatorum

KRTS056 Imperial Triumphal Arch

KRTS057 Imperial Propaganda Post

KRTS058 Hive City Arbitratorum

KRTS059 Confession Machine

KRTS060 Hive Execution Site

KRTS061 Hive City Confessorum

KRTS062 Hive City Habitat

KRTS063 Orc Troop Transmitta

KRTS064 Hive City Mansion

KRTS065 Hive City Street Lights

KRTS066 Hive City Iron Fence Gate

KRTS067 Hive City Iron Fences

KRTS068 Hive City Vox Call Booths

KRTS069 Hive City Transit Stations

KRTS070 Hive City Transit Shelters

KRTS071 Hive City Ventilation Shaft

KRTS072 Hive City Residence

KRTS073 Hive City Apartments

KRTS074 Hive City Rooftop Water Towers

KRTS075 Hive City Grand Fountain

KRTS076 Hive City Fountain

KRTS077 Hive City Gothic Billboards

KRTS078 Hive City Billboards

KRTS079 Hive City Benches & Trash Bins

KRTS080 Hive City Street Clock

KRTS081 Hive City Cages of Shame

KRTS082 Hive City Penance Station

KRTS083 Hive City Planters

KRTS084 Hive City Street Billboard

KRTS085 Hive City Street Dumpsters

KRTS086 Hive City Street Hologram

KRTS087 Hive City News Stand

KRTS088 Poland 1939 Barn With Shelter

KRTS089 Poland 1939 Church with Bell Tower

KRTS090 Poland 1939 Cowshed

KRTS091 Poland 1939 Pigpen

KRTS092 Poland 1939 Wooden Cottage With Privy

KRTS093 Poland 1939 Wooden Fence - Gates, Gateway and Corner Fences

KRTS094 Poland 1939 Wooden Fence - Straight Sections

KRTS095 Poland 1939 Wooden Shed with Rabbit Cage and Pigeon House 

KRTS096 Hive City Column

KRTS097 Orc 'Eavy Metal Stage

KRTS098 Orc Sentry Post

KRTS099 Ded 'Ard Dakka Tower

KRTS100 Boss Skulltower

KRTS101 Mech-Boss Site Totem

KRTS102 Orc Skull Trophy Rack

KRTS103 Kopta Landing Pad

KRTS104 Orc Dakka Platform

KRTS105 Orc Freak Tower

KRTS106 Orc Minelayer Kraft

KRTS107 Imperial Sabbat Bunker

KRTS108 Imperial Martyrs Bunker

KRTS109 Imperial Command Bunker

KRTS110 Imperial Valhalla Strongpoint

KRTS111 Imperial Armageddon Strongpoint

KRTS112 Imperatoris Tank Defense Position

KRTS113 Venator Turret Tower

KRTS114 Gladius Sentry Gun Nest

KRTS115 Tempestus Pillbox

KRTS116 Aquila Sentry Tower

KRTS117 Castellan Tank Gate

KRTS118 Aegis Breach Doors

KRTS119 Imperial Defense Line: Gate

KRTS120 Imperial Defense Line: Straight Wall

KRTS121 Imperial Defense Line: 90° Wall

KRTS122 Imperial Defense Line: 90° Inner Wall

KRTS123 Imperial Defense Line: 45° Wall

KRTS124 Imperial Defense Line: 45° Inner Wall

KRTS125 Ruined Habitat

KRTS126 Collapsed Habitat

KRTS127 Ruined Residence

KRTS128 Collapsed Residence

KRTS129 Cargo Containers 

KRTS130 Long Cargo Containers 

KRTS131 Large Containers Stack

KRTS132 Mausoleum

KRTS133 Silent Tower

KRTS134 Enchanted Well

KRTS135 Haunted Houses

KRTS136 Bell Tower

KRTS137 Stepped Pyramid

KRTS138 Sacred Temple

KRTS139 Living Museum

KRTS140 Merchant House

KRTS141 Cemetery

KRTS142 Town Ruins

KRTS143 City Ruins

KRTS144 Orc Krushinator Deffstomper

KRTS145 Orc Boomkilla Deffstomper

KRTS146 Deffstomper Construction Yard

KRTS147 Orc Deffstomper Krushinator Body

KRTS148 Orc Boomkilla Deffstomper Body

KRTS149 Orc Deffstomper Tank Rippa

KRTS150 Orc Deffstomper Deffkannon

KRTS151 Orc Deffstomper Traktor-Kollida

KRTS152 Orc Deffstomper Krushin' Klaw

KRTS153 Orc Deffstomper Head with Eye-Poppa Gun

KRTS154 Orc Deffstomper Head

KRTS155 Scarab Obelisks

KRTS156 Energy Obelisks

KRTS157 Royal Obelisks

KRTS158 Dynasty Obelisk

KRTS159 Tesla Energy Core

KRTS160 Summoning Portal

KRTS161 Nekropolis Mastaba – Corner

KRTS162 Nekropolis Mastaba – Center

KRTS163 Nekropolis Mastaba – Ramp

KRTS164 Nekropolis Mastaba – Wide Stairs

KRTS165 Nekropolis Mastaba – Stairs

KRTS166 Nekropolis Mastaba – Obelisk Corner

KRTS167 Nekropolis Mastaba – Side Wall

KRTS168 Nekropolis Mastaba – Apex

KRTS169 Lost Pyramid

KRTS170 Nekropolis Walkway

KRTS171 Annihilator Beamer

KRTS172 Gauss Energy Cores

KRTS173 Stone Dwelling

KRTS174 Wooden Dwelling

KRTS175 Dwarven Brewery

KRTS176 Dwarven Inn

KRTS177 Village Smithery

KRTS178 Ancestors Memorial

KRTS179 Boyar's House

KRTS180 Village Gates

KRTS181 Village Stone Fences

KRTS182 Dwarven Watchtowers

KRTS183 God-Busta Megastomper, Limited Edition Set

KRTS184 Eventide Manor

KRTS185 Haunted Gatehouse

KRTS186 Walkways & Arcades

KRTS187 Raised Squares & Bridges

KRTS188 Eventide Manor Fireplaces

KRTS189 Abandoned Windmill

KRTS190 Bone Ship - Small Gateway

KRTS191 Bone Ship - Gateway

KRTS192 Bone Ship - Catwalk

KRTS193 Bone Ship - Stairwell

KRTS194 Bone Ship - Large Star Sails

KRTS195 Bone Ship - Small Star Sails

KRTS196 Bone Ship - Guardrail Barricades

KRTS197 Orkenburg Zone Walkways

KRTS198 Orkenburg Zone Bunker

KRTS199 Orkenburg Zone Gates

KRTS200 Orkenburg Zone Boards

KRTS201 Orkenburg Zone Theater of War

KRTS202 Stormjet Fighta

KRTS203 Boomfighta Bomber

KRTS204 Fantasy Bowl Stadium

KRTS205 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune

KRTS206 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower

KRTS207 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune

KRTS208 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout

KRTS209 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower

KRTS210 Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers

KRTS211 Mechanicum Generator

KRTS212 Imperial Fortress Wall - Straight

KRTS213 Mechanicum Greenhouse

KRTS214 Mechanicum Refinery Plant

KRTS215 Mechanicum Promethium Silo

KRTS216 Imperial Fortress Wall - Tower - 30 degrees

KRTS217 Imperial Fortress Wall - Exhaust Pipes

KRTS218 Mechanicum House of Prayer

KRTS219 Mechanicum Watchtower

KRTS220 Imperial Fortress Wall - Terrace

KRTS221 Imperial Fortress Wall - Cannon

KRTS222 Imperial Fortress Wall - Observatory Tower

KRTS223 Imperial Fortress Wall - Cannon Tower

KRTS224 Imperial Fortress Gates

KRTS225 Imperial Fortress Wall - Window

KRTS226 Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Fence

KRTS227 Imperial Planetary Outpost Stronghold Fence

KRTS228 Imperial Planetary Outpost Barbed Wire Hedgehogs

KRTS229 Imperial Planetary Outpost Power Grid Tower

KRTS230 Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Shrine Post

KRTS231 Imperial Planetary Outpost Aquila Tactica Post

KRTS233 Ancient Archives

KRTS234 Great Tower of Knowledge

KRTS235 Great Tower of Knowledge - Ground Floor

KRTS236 Ancient Temple Ruins

KRTS237 Gothic Arches

KRTS238 City Staircases

KRTS239 Ossuary

KRTS240 Sarcophagi

KRTS241 Imperial Fortress Wall Siege Set

KRTS242 Great Tower of Knowledge - Shattered Floor

KRTS243 Great Tower of Knowledge - Library Floor

KRTS244 Peasant’s Cottage

KRTS245 Vogt’s Cottage

KRTS246 Wooden Byre

KRTS247 Lowland Village

KRTS248 Windmill

KRTS249 Watermill

KRTS250 Guard Tower

KRTS251 Fortified Inn

KRTS252 Burgher’s House

KRTS253 River Bridge

KRTS254 Small River Bridge

KROO116 River Bridge - Ramp

KROO117 River Bridge - Middle


KRMA074 Paint Rack (33 mm) - Straight

KRMA075 Paint Rack (33 mm) - Corner

KRMA076 Paint Rack (30.5 mm) - Straight

KRMA077 Paint Rack (30.5 mm) - Corner

KRMA078 Paint Rack (25.6 mm) - Straight

KRMA079 Paint Rack (25.6 mm) - Corner

KRMA080 Paint Rack (Universal) - Straight

KRMA081 Paint Rack (Universal) - Corner

KRMA082 Paint Station

KRMA178 Ending Corner Hobby Rack Set

KRMA179 Low Corner Hobby Rack Module

KRMA180 Standalone Brush Holder

KRMA181 Small Rotating Tool Holder

KRMA182 Low Hobby Rack Set

KRMA183 Standalone Drawers Rack

KROO119 Low Hobby Rack Module

KROO120 High Hobby Rack Module

KROO121 Half High Hobby Rack Module

KROO122 Half Low Hobby Rack Module

KROO123 Showcase Hobby Rack Module

KROO124 High Corner Hobby Rack Module

KROO125 Ending Corner Paint Rack

KROO126 Small Low Drawers Set

KROO127 Medium Low Drawers Set

KROO128 Mixed Low Drawers Set

KROO129 XL Low Drawer

KROO130 Medium Moderate Drawer

KROO131 Medium High Drawer

KROO132 Sprue Holder Module

KROO133 Medium Low Brushes Module

KROO134 Half Paint Rack (Universal)

KROO135 Standalone Hobby Rack Module

KRHB100 Heavy Infantry 6x2 Round 32 mm Base Adapter Trays

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