
Customer Service

We are known for our excellent quality of customer service. If you have any questions regarding your order, we are always ready to help and do our best to resolve your issues! Please provide your order number when contacting us so our Team can assist you faster in your query.
Social media

If you are keen on having all information about our latest releases, trailers, and updates, join us on our various social media channels so that you won't miss any of it!
Our Social Media Team is always open to answer all questions and requests and contact you with one of our other Teams if necessary.

Distribution & Retail Stores

Our products are sold internationally, with retailers & distributors throughout Northern America, Europe, Australia and Asia. If you are a distributor or have retail stores, we will happily start a partnership with additional benefits like discounts, promotional products, and other stuff! Contact us today to become an official Kromlech stockist.

Events & Influencers

We support several hundred events, small-scale tournaments, and large-scale festivals such as Adepticon or NOVA Open each year. We take great pride in helping the community we came out of. If you are an organizer of any tabletop wargaming event or have a social media channel where you provide content for your fans, feel free to contact us. We will happily talk about how we can cooperate.
Other queries

Have you got some questions regarding our products? Maybe suggestions or ideas for us that we can work on? We are always happy to listen to you and provide the answers you need. If you are an artist who would like to cooperate with us - that's the correct address too!
Company info

Kromlech is operated by Eliza Sęk, residing in Warsaw, at ul. Tołstoja1/55, 01-910 Warsaw, Social Security Number (PESEL) 76041309022, conducting business activity under the business name Kromlech Eliza Sęk, entered the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG) maintained by the maintained by the Minister of Economy, with its registered office in Warsaw, at ul. Rydygiera 8, b. 18; Taxpayer Identification (NIP) Number: 5581210002, National Official Register of Business Entities (REGON) Number: 363654200, Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database Registry (BDO): 000381342. The complaints may be sent to may be contacted by: post: Eliza Sęk ul. Tołstoja 1/55, 01-910 Warsaw email:; phone: +48 601484728.

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