Cargo Containers
Cargo Containers
Cargo Containers
Cargo Containers
Cargo Containers
Cargo Containers
Cargo Containers
Cargo Containers

Cargo Containers

This set contains parts needed to assemble three Cargo Containers.

Reference: KRTS129

Manufacturer: Tabletop Scenics

22.99 €
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Gaming Series aims at providing the best game-suited terrain without losing the theme and amount of detail of the series. Structures are quick to build, designed with only a few elements, with an entire set creating a universal and functional battlefield tailored for casual and tournament games! Structures are closed from every side, blocking the line of sight once set up. The containers aren't marked, perfect for any modern or sci-fi setting miniature game.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab.
Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.
Approximate dimensions of one container: Height: 2.8" / 7 cm Width: 6.9" / 17.5 cm Depth: 2.8" / 7 cm

High-density fibreboard
Structure Type
Scatter Terrain
Construction Type


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