Fantasy Realms: Landscapes of the Empire

The landscapes of the Long-Forgotten Empire cover a massive space of the Known World. Although the pride and majesty of old times remain only in the ancient ruins, new settlers arrive on these rich plains and build their settlements. The buildings of those people are simple, compact, and practical above all.
Get to know more about the entire range of those easy-to-build, modular terrain sets with playable interiors that are meant to hit the Bits of War webstore very soon. They’ll fit your fantasy wargames and role-playing sessions like armor fits the knight!
Peasant’s Cottage
Peasant’s Cottage is a common place to live for the majority of the population of the Empire. It’s a small, compact house. It’s not built as a good defensive position, but it’s easy to rebuild.
This set will include such features as removable doors and a removable rooftop.
Vogt’s Cottage
The one chosen by their neighbors to be the commune leader can build a bigger house. Such a building - called the Vogt’s Cottage - is a sign of status and is usually positioned in the center of the village.
Vogt’s Cottage will include removable doors and a removable rooftop.
Wooden Byre
Although unimpressive, the Wooden Byre is significant for the village residents. It stores the most important things in their lives - supplies and animals.
Wooden Byre will have its gate and rooftop removable and will feature optional ladder and wooden beams.
Lowland Village
The Lowland Village is a beautiful sight. This peaceful area is a place where everyone would like to live. Until the horde of barbaric creatures raid this place, of course.
Lowland Village will be made from one Vogt’s Cottage, two Peasant’s Cottages, one Wooden Byre, a well, a privy, and wooden fences.
Windmills are a common sight when traveling through the Empire landscapes. Besides their primary purpose, they can be perfect observing spots as well.
Windmill will offer such features as removable doors, a removable rooftop, optional ladders, an alternative window, and modular levels.
As a place that is usually located a certain distance from the rest of the village, the Watermill is often the destination of secret lovers or planning bandits.
This set will feature removable doors, a removable rooftop, an optional ladder, a mill wheel, and modular levels.
Guard Tower
Guard Towers are reinforced structures meant to ensure safety for scared villagers running from the invaders raiding the village.
Guard Tower will be packed with features, such as removable doors, removable floors, optional ladders, wooden flaps, decorative shields and coats of arms, and modular levels!
Fortified Inn
When traveling the roads of the Empire, there is no place safer to stay within than the Fortified Inn. Its reinforced walls resonate with cracks of fires in fireplaces and the snoring of resting adventurers.
Fortified Inn will be made from an Inn and a Tower (with plenty of features), a wall, and fences.
Burgher’s House
The Empire cities are bristling with Burgher’s Houses which are witnesses of various events, such as trades, brawls, and even the secret cult meetings.
Burgher’s House will cover such features as removable doors, a removable rooftop, optional stairs, an optional ladder, a chimney, and modular levels.
River Bridge
River Bridges are vital spots. They allow the roads to pass rivers, which is good for marking out trade routes. More bridges mean trade growth, but it’s good to remember that each bridge is a perfect place for bandits to set a trap for unwary caravans.
Small River Bridge
Although Small River Bridges aren’t as commonly crossed by trade routes as the big ones, they still are not perfectly safe places. That is because such bridges are often inhabited by Trolls that terrorize local residents by taking payment for crossing the bridge.
Bridges will be built from various combinations of such pieces as Bridge Ramps and Bridge Middles, which will be available separately to expand the bridges' length or to make completely new ones.
The settlements are almost finished and the journey will finally begin. Fantasy Realms are coming to the Bits of War soon!