
Category: Tutorials
How to build Terrain from scratch?

How to build Terrain from scratch?

Understandably, the subject of how to build terrain for Warhammer 40k can be much more sophisticated than what we’ll discuss here.
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How to assemble miniatures - step-by-step guide

How to assemble miniatures - step-by-step guide

It's common knowledge that wargaming is a vast hobby. The number of activities connected to this term is imposing.
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Speed Painting Miniatures: Tips and Techniques

Speed Painting Miniatures: Tips and Techniques

Sometimes, you just need to get your army or gaming collection on the table as quickly as possible. That's where speed painting miniatures comes in.
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Painting diorama - how to create a realistic effect?

Painting diorama - how to create a realistic effect?

Making a diorama is a challenging task. It’s not a surprise then, that dioramas are often the subjects of various modeling competitions, etc.
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How to paint 28 mm heads and how to use them?

How to paint 28 mm heads and how to use them?

Like in real life, heads are vital features in the universe of wargames.
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Best tricks for batch painting

Best tricks for batch painting

In every painter or modeler’s career, he had many models to cover in paint, but he didn’t have enough time (or strength) to do so.
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How to write lore for a custom Chapter?

How to write lore for a custom Chapter?

Truly, wargaming is a hobby like no other. For some, the number of activities you can undertake on behalf of it can be even overwhelming.
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D&D terrain - how to make one?

D&D terrain - how to make one?

Fantasy terrain (such as towns, forests, and undergrounds) isn’t only for wargames.
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Spaceship Terrain - how to create it on your own?

Spaceship Terrain - how to create it on your own?

Miniature spaceship terrain might sound like something obvious, when it comes to tabletop wargames, but - in the majority of instances - that’s not the case.
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How to create realistic weathering effects?

How to create realistic weathering effects?

Creating a realistic weathering effect requires a higher level of painting skills than those usually possessed by the beginners.
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