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Orc Green Tide

Orc Green Tide

Kromlech Orcs (as well as their smaller cousins - Goblins) can be found almost everywhere across the galaxy. They’re cunning creatures that praise the good old fighting above everything else. Although not so bright or intelligent, they’re capable of constructing practical (and fully-operational) weaponry and war machinery from… everything they have in hand at the very moment.

Goblin Miniatures

If you’re in need of Goblin miniatures, you’ll find them at our webstore. These small, nasty guys come in various shapes and sizes - although, speaking about the wargaming scale, you can browse a range of Goblin miniatures in 28 mm scale here.

Our Goblins aren’t plastic - they’re made from high-quality resin, and even considering that they’re finely sculpted and detailed, they’re as cheap as possible. Among them, you won’t find such strange designs as a female Goblin miniature - instead, look for classics like Forest Goblin miniatures.

Goblin Bits

Even though at our webstore, you can buy these little greenskins in various quantities (even a single Goblin miniature), there is always a possibility of converting the models we provide. You can elevate your collection to new heights thanks to Goblin miniature bits.

Orc Miniatures

Remember - don’t let your collection of miniatures Goblin takeover. Orc miniatures are what you need to balance the record books. There are plenty of them here - choose between Mecha-Armours, Wild Tribez, Corsairs, Fantasy Bowl Players, and even Orcs inspired by World War II.

You’ll find something for yourself, whether you look for single miniatures, such as characters or pilots and riders for your machines, or squads. We’ve got you covered - it doesn’t matter if you intend to build a whole new army or complete the one you already have with several models. Thanks to our unique designs, you can make any green horde more impressive and entertaining.

Orc Bits

Definitely more numerous than one of Goblin bits, the amount of Orc bits at our webstore should satisfy any modeler. Orc conversion bits allow you to customize your army even further and help you get all the special weaponry you wish at the lowest cost possible. Of course, every set is designed to fit a 28 mm scale.

Products: 401

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